Deceptive AI: featured in de Volkskrant May 2024
I was interviewed about whether AI systems developed nowadays can be deceptive, which is published (in Dutch) at the de Volkskrant.

BeNeRL Workshop April 2024
Together with Herke van Hoof and Vincent Francois-Lavet, we are organizing the 2024 edition of the Belgian-Netherlands Reinforcement Learning Workshop (BeNeRL) in Amsterdam! It will take place on June 10th, and will be a free event thanks to generous support by the Ellis Unit Amsterdam and the NWO. Registration is required, though. More info & sign-up at the event website.

Career Update December 2023
I got tenure.

Top Area Chair at NLDL November 2023
I have been selected among the top area chairs in NLDL 2024.

Teaching Qualification October 2023
I recieved my University Teaching Qualification (BKO) certificate.

PhD Position in Reinforcement Learning June 2023
I am looking for a highly motivated and skilled PhD candidate to work in the area of Reinforcement Learning. For more information regarding the position and how to apply, please follow this link.

Invited talk May 2023
I am invited to give a talk about “Fairness in Machine Learning” at XAI for Healthcare application conference organized by Women in Data Science, which is held in Twente on June 8th 2023.

AI in gaming: featured in de Volkskrant December 2022
I was interviewed about how the advancement of artificial intelligence in various games can be incorporated in real-life problems which is published (in Dutch) at the de Volkskrant.

Accepted paper at AAAI November 2022
Our paper entitled “Toward Robust Uncertainty Estimation with Random Activation Functions” has been accepted at the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Accepted paper at NLDL November 2022
Our paper entitled “FastDTI: Drug-Target Interaction Prediction using Multimodality and Transformers” has been accepted at the Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference 2023.

Accepted Proposal at EWUU alliance September 2022
Our proposal entitled “U-HEAL: A patient-centric lifestyle recommender system for optimizing treatment response in psychosis” has been accepted at the EWUU Alliance: AI for Health .

Accepted paper at Journal of Molecular Diversity July 2022
Our paper entitled “Matrix Factorization with Denoising Autoencoders for Prediction of Drug–Target Interactions” has been published at the journal of Molecular Diversity.

Survey Paper on Fairness May 2022
Our paper entitled “Survey on Fair Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Practice” is now available on arXiv.

Invited Talk January 2022
I was invited to give a talk about Reinforcement Learning at TU Delft.

Accepted paper at IDA January 2022
Our paper entitled “MuseBar: Alleviating Posterior Collapse in Recurrent VAEs toward Music Generation” has been accepted at the International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis 2022.

PC member at various venues in 2022 December 2021
I serve as a technical program committee at AISTATS 22, ICLR 22, ICML 22, IJCAI 22, and UAI 22.

Invited Talk August 2021
I will give a talk in the workshop of “The Scoring Society” about fairness in Machine Learning on September 2nd, 2021.

Top reviewer at UAI July 2021
I have been selected among the very best reviewers (top-5%) in the UAI 2021.

Accepted paper at Frontiers in Sports and Active Living journal May 2021
Our paper entitled “Rating Player Actions in Soccer” has been accepted at the Frontiers in Sports and Active Living journal.

PC member at various venues in 2021 February 2021
I serve as a technical program committee at AAAI 21, ICLR 21, AISTATS 21, ICML 21, IJCAI 21, UAI 21, and ECML 21.

Accepted paper at ICDE December 2022
Our paper entitled “An Actor-Critic Ensemble Aggregation Model for Time-Series Forecasting” has been accepted at the 37th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) as a poster.

PhD student oppertunity at TU/e November 2020
We are looking for a highly motivated and skilled PhD candidate to work in the area of Machine Learning. For more information, please follow this link.

Joining TU Eindhoven October 2020
I joined the Uncertainty in AI group of TU/e as an assistant professor.

PC member at various venues in 2020 October 2020
I serve as a technical program committee at ICML 2020 and ECML 2020.

Accepted paper at SIGIR 2020 April 2020
My paper entitled “Fair Classification with Counterfactual Learning” has been accepted at the 43rd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2020).

Accepted paper at ECAI January 2020
Our paper entitled “Distantly Supervised Question Parsing” has been accepted at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI 2020.

Invited Talk December 2019
I will give a talk about Sequential Recommendation on December 6th, 2019, 10:00 at Leibniz University Hannover.

Accepted Proposal by VolkswagenStiftung foundation December 2019
Our proposal for planning grant of “AI and the Society of the Future” has been accepted by VolkswagenStiftung foundation.

Accepted paper at KI July 2019
Our paper entitled “Personalized Transaction Kernels for Recommmendation via MCTS” got accepted at the German Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Accepted paper at ECML Workshop July 2019
Our paper entitled “HyperUCB: Hyperparameter Optimization using Contextual Bandits” got accepted at ECML Workshop on Automated Data Science.

PC member at various venues in 2019 May 2019
I serve as a technical program committee at ECML 2019 and LWDA 2019.

Defended my Ph.D. dissertation April 2019
I have successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation in computer science department of TU Darmstadt.
You can download my dissertation from the central library of TU Darmstadt.

Joining TU Dortmund March 2019
I started working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Artificial Intelligence group of TU Dortmund.

Invited Talk March 2019
I will give a talk about “Contextual Models for Sequential Recommendation” on April 4th, 2019, 12:15 at Leuphana University of Lüneburg (Room C614.2013).